The document.execCommand() function is a useful HTML editing function that allows us to manipulate the contents of a content editable element. With execCommand you can accomplish several tasks such as styling the currently selected text, inserting text and HTML at the selected point, inserting images at the selected point and much more.
The document.execCommand function takes
3 arguments
of the specific command you wish to run with execCommand
-Whether or not to show the
default UI
additional value
required by the command you are running
The document.execCommand function does have
compatibility issues
, a lot of the commands will not work on certain browsers (mainly
internet explorer
), so with some commands it is important to check the compatibility first, the function will return false if the command is not compatible with the current browser.
One of the uses document.execCommand can be useful for is creating a text-editing application within a website, allowing the user to modify and style text as well as insert images, links and other content.
Using execCommand for text styling (bold, italic, font-size etc.)
There are a few commands used with document.execCommand that will style the currently selected text in a content editable container to be bold, italic etc. These are as follows:
- bold : makes the currently selected text bold
- italic : makes the currently selected text italic
- underline : makes the currently selected text underlined
- strikeThrough : adds a line through the middle of the currently selected text
- foreColor : changes the font color of the currently selected text to the given value
- hiliteColor : changes the currently selected text's backgroundcolor to the given value, not compatible with internet explorer (usebackColor for internet explorer instead)
- backColor : changes the background color of the containing element to the given value in browsers except internet explorer. Internetexplorer uses this to change the text background color to the givenvalue
- increaseFontSize : surrounds the currently selected text with a <big> element, thereby increasing the font size
- decreaseFontSize : surrounds the currently selected text with a <small> element, thereby decreasing the font size
- fontSize : changes the font size for the currently selected text to the given value (from 1 to 7)
- heading : surrounds the currently selected text with a heading element depending on the given argument ("H3" for an <h3> element)
- subscript : changes the currently selected text to subscript
- superscript : changes the currently selected text to superscript
- fontName : changes the font of the currently selected text to the given value
Examples of these commands in use:
// make selection bold
document.execCommand( "bold", false, "" );
// make selection italic
document.execCommand( "italic", false, "" );
// make selection underlined
document.execCommand( "underline", false, "" );
// strike through selection
document.execCommand( "strikeThrough", false, "" );
// change selection's color to red
document.execCommand( "foreColor", false, "red" );
// change text background color to blue
if( !document.execCommand( "hiliteColor", false, "blue" ) ){
document.execCommand( "backColor", false, "blue" )
// executes backColor command if hiliteColor returns false, indicating browser is internet explorer
// increase selection font size
document.execCommand( "increaseFontSize", false, "" );
// decrease selection font size
document.execCommand( "decreaseFontSize", false, "" );
// set selection's font size to 4
document.execCommand( "fontSize", false, "4" );
// surround selection's with <h3> tags
document.execCommand( "heading", false, "H3" );
// change selection to subscript
document.execCommand( "subscript", false, "" );
// change selection to superscript
document.execCommand( "superscript", false, "" );
// change selection's font to Arial
document.execCommand( "fontName", false, "Arial" );
These commands only affect text content and will ignore other content such as images.
To undo these commands, simply run them again for the selected text, this will remove the surrounding tags.
Using execCommand for insertions (insert text, HTML, images etc.)
With document.execCommand there are several commands that can be used to insert various components such as HTML, text and images into a content editable container.
- insertText : Inserts a given text value at the current selection point
- insertHTML : Inserts given HTML at the current selection point (not supported by internet explorer)
- insertParagraph : Surrounds the current selection with paragraph tags (deletes selection with internet explorer)
- insertImage : inserts and image at the current selection using a given SRC value
- insertHorizontalRule : inserts a horizontal rule at the current selection
- insertBrOnReturn : toggles whether pressing enter will add a<br> tag or split the current block style container (not supported by internet explorer)
- insertOrderedList : inserts an ordered list elements at the selection point
- insertUnorderedList : inserts an unordered list elements at the selection point
Examples of these commands in use:
// insert text
document.execCommand( "insertText", false, "your text here" );
// insert HTML
document.execCommand( "insertHTML", false, "<div>test content</div>" );
// insert paragraph
document.execCommand( "insertParagraph", false, "" );
// insert image
document.execCommand( "insertImage", false, "images/test.png" );
// insert <hr> tag
document.execCommand( "insertHorizontalRule", false, "" );
// change whether enter creates a <br> tag
document.execCommand( "insertBrOnReturn", false, "" );
// insert ordered list
document.execCommand( "insertOrderedList", false, "" );
// insert un-ordered list
document.execCommand( "insertUnorderedList", false, "" );
Using execCommand to format selections (align, indent etc.)
With document.execCommand you can also format text; abilities such as aligning, indenting and removing formats are included.
- justifyLeft : justifies selected content to the left
- justifyRight : justifies selected content to the right
- justifyCenter : justifies selected content in the center
- justifyFull : increases white spaces in the content such that it fills the entire page
- indent : indents the selected content
- outdent : removes an indentation from the selected content
- removeFormat : removes all formatting from the selected content including text styling
- formatBlock : adds a block level element around the selectiondepending on the given argument (element must be given with tags, eg."<P>"
Examples of these commands in use:
// justify selection to the left
document.execCommand( "justifyLeft", false, "" );
// justify selection to the right
document.execCommand( "justifyRight", false, "" );
// justify selection in the center
document.execCommand( "justifyCenter", false, "" );
// justify selection to take up the page width
document.execCommand( "justifyFull", false, "" );
// indent selection
document.execCommand( "indent", false, "" );
//outdent selection
document.execCommand( "outdent", false, "" );
// remove formatting on selection
document.execCommand( "removeFormat", false, "" );
// surround selection with a block level element
document.execCommand( "formatBlock", false, "<P>" );
Using execCommand for editing (copy, paste, undo etc.)
document.execCommand also offers several editing functions such as copy, paste, delete and undo.
- copy : copies the current selection into the clipboard
- cut : cuts the current selection into the clipboard
- paste : pastes the latest entry in the clipboard into the selected point
- delete : deletes the current selection
- forwardDelete : deletes the character ahead of the current selection (like the delete button on a keyboard)
- undo : undoes the previous action
- redo : redoes an undo
- selectAll : selects all content in a content editable container
Examples of these commands in use:
// copy selection
document.execCommand( "copy", false, "" );
// cut selection
document.execCommand( "cut", false, "" );
// paste to selection
document.execCommand( "paste", false, "" );
// delete selection
document.execCommand( "delete", false, "" );
// delete character ahead of selection
document.execCommand( "forwardDelete", false, "" );
// undo last activity
document.execCommand( "undo", false, "" );
// delete character ahead of selection
document.execCommand( "redo", false, "" );
Other execCommand commands (link, style with CSS etc.)
- createLink : creates a link out of the selected content, must be provided with an href value as an argument
- unlink : removes a link from the selected content
- enableInlineTableEditing : toggles whether tables rows and columns can be added or deleted (not supported in internet explorer)
- enableObjectResizing : toggles whether or not objects such as images can be resized
- contentReadOnly : toggles whether the content editable container can be edited or not based on a given boolean argument
- styleWithCSS : depending on the given boolean, it decides whether to use HTML attributes to style and format content or CSS styles, thisis off by default
Examples of these commands in use:
// create link
document.execCommand( "createLink", false, "" );
// destroy link
document.execCommand( "unlink", false, "" );
// enable table row and column editing
document.execCommand( "enableInlineTableEditing", false, "" );
// enable object resizing
document.execCommand( "enableObjectResizing", false, "" );
// make a content editable container read only
document.execCommand( "contentReadOnly", false, "true" );
// style with CSS rather than HTML
document.execCommand( "styleWithCSS", false, "true" );