In Javascript, the
operator is used to retrieve the data-type of a variable or value. This can be useful for many purposes such as verifying the data-type of an argument within a function.
Basic syntax of the typeof operator
The syntax for the
operator is fairly simple, all it requires is the statement followed by the value you wish to check.
typeof value;
This will return the type of the given value in string form.
As an example let's retrieve and store the data-type of a string variable using the typeof operator:
var testString = "Hello world";
var dataType = typeof testString;
The value of the dataType variable will now be the data-type of the testString variable which would be "string".
What the typeof operator returns for different data-types
values, the typeof operator will return "string".
typeof "test"; //returns "string"
var testString = "test";
typeof testString; //returns "string"
values, the typeof operator will return "number".
typeof 65; //returns "number"
typeof 3.14; //returns "number"
values, the typeof operator will return "boolean".
typeof false; //returns "boolean"
, the typeof operator will return "function".
typeof function(){ alert("Hello") }; //returns "function"
and values with a Null value, the typeof operator will return "object" as these are not primitive data-types but rather objects. It will also return "object" for any other objects given.
typeof ["dog", "cat", "mouse"]; //returns "object"
typeof null; //returns "object"
var date = new Date();
typeof date; //returns "object"
For variables that have not yet been set, the typeof operator will return "undefined".
var testVariable;
typeof testVariable; //returns "undefined"
Using the typeof operator in conditions
One of the main uses of the typeof operator is verifying the data-type of a value before it is used, to do this we can compare the data-type returned by typeof to our own string containing the desired data-type. This can be very useful in functions that require a certain data-type as we can see below:
function plusTwo( inputNo ){
if( typeof inputNo === "number" ){
alert( "Your number plus two is: " + ( inputNo + 2 ) );
alert( "Please enter a number" );
plusTwo( 2 );
plusTwo( "two" );
This function adds 2 to any given value, thus it requires the given value to be a number. The first time the function is called it will run successfully and output:
Your number plus two is: 4
The second time it runs, the condition will fail as "two" is a string and not a number, so it will output:
Please enter a number